English Contents
Notice : This website does not support full English translation. As an alternative, to help prospective overseas investors gain a fundamental understanding of our group, basic information has been posted in the form of downloadable materials.
Corporate Profile
KeyHolder, Inc. has a group policy of “Creation of abundance” by ‘Creating a happy and prosperous future through originality and sincerity that is not bound by common sense’. We are a holding company consisting of eight subsidiaries, which includes a management of entertainment IP (intellectual properties) and operation business, a TV & Video production business, and an advertising agency business.
Our strength is developing monetization points across the broad spectrum of entertainment under the same group, such as holding and operating various IP, event development, merchandise production, video production, namely for programs and music videos, and planning and development of advertising campaigns.
For further information, please refer to the download file ” Corporate Profile.pdf ” that contains the following descriptions:
→ Corporate Philosophy
→ Board of Directors
→ History
Our Business
The KeyHolder Group operates a comprehensive entertainment business that focuses on managing and operating IP, including music, artists/talents, video works, games, characters, etc. and holding events. Our “Video production business” produces video content, such as TV dramas, and participates in movie production committees, while our “Advertising agency business” handles everything from the casting of artists/talents to the managing and operating of YouTube video advertisements. Our strength is that we have been developing various monetization points related to entertainment under the same umbrella group. As a result, we are able to carry out requests for the same project by delegating roles among multiple business subsidiaries, making it possible to conduct highly flexible and expandable activities.
For further information, please refer to the download file ” Our Business.pdf ” that contains the following description:
→ Our Group & Subsidiaries
→ Our Business, characteristics and direction